Dismantling the mirage of success in a post-COVID world

Author: Cheryl Benadie, Founder, Whole Person Academy We’ve lied to our children. It’s a beautiful lie because it’s one that we’ve told ourselves. All deception is built upon a partial truth. That’s what makes it so believable, so pervasive – and so dangerous. We’ve told young people that they need to work hard at school, […]

The Seven Slowest Ways To Ruin Your Life

Ruining one’s life is not something most people consciously set out to do. Most people want to achieve success in life. There is an inner drive to excel, to achieve your potential, to have your life count for something. As you’re reading this, there are probably some thoughts and feelings stirring in your heart and […]

Finding The Fun In Your Work

We’re all tempted to press the snooze button one too many times on days we feel like we can’t face the office. Work is challenging, it can be rewarding – but it’s not going to be something that makes you feel like you’re floating on clouds all day playing the harp. (Unless you’re a harpist […]