Is financial stress undermining employee engagement?

Mike* was loved by his colleagues. He was a good team worker, often went the extra mile and seemed to be energized by his work. His manager was shocked when Mike handed in his resignation and wondered whether this sudden decision was related to not being able to give him the raise he’d asked for […]

How to stay debt free in your 20s

One of the primary motivators of stepping into the world of work is the promise of financial reward. When we dream about the type of work we will do one day, we can’t help thinking about the money we will earn and what we will be able to make happen in our lives. Just like […]

Five Mindset Shifts That Will Turn You Into A Money Genius

Too many people dream of having more. Far too few take simple, practical steps to alter their financial future. I too, at one stage in my life, resented rich people who seemed to have it all. I bemoaned the fact that I was born on the wrong side of the tracks. Other people were born […]

The Day I Killed My Credit Card

14 July 2014. A day that will be engraved in Cheryl history as the day that I won a small but significant battle in my fight for financial freedom. I’ll be honest. I’ve closed credit cards before. There have been cycles in my life where I used to get mad at myself and resolve that […]