How to live beyond disappointment
“We judge others by their actions. We judge ourselves by our intentions.” I’m always reminded of this quote (which is ascribed to Stephen Covey) whenever I find myself tempted to with the feeling of disappointment. My writer’s brain splits this word into two: dis-appointment. There is a distance between this moment and the appointed moment […]
How will you take back your life in the New Year?
There is no magic in the start of a new year. The change of the calendar is not going to induce some mystical shift in the patterns of our lives. The magic is in you. Every thought that races through our brains (that’s 6 000 per day) and every action we take is a seed […]
Your Manager Is Not God
I hate to be the one to break this terrible news to you: your manager is not God. I wish someone sat me down and told me this when I’d started working. To begin with, I did not have healthy experiences with authority figures in my life. So I just assumed that everything they said and did […]
Do You Want Real Help?
I wasn’t sure how to start writing about this topic. Challenging people’s blind spots often means that you’re exposing your own. So here is my disclaimer: I fall into each of the categories below at differing stages of my life, even though I consider myself as someone who is constantly looking for ways to grow […]
How To Stand Firm In Your Decisions
When last did you make a decision that was difficult to stick to? I’m not talking about skipping the gym workout this week. I mean the more gut-wrenching, heart stirring stuff. Like ending a toxic relationship, choosing to look for a new job or moving cities. Although we know that change is constant, we still […]
Let The Pull Of Purpose Push You Into Greatness
Have you been pulled by your sense of purpose into areas of personal greatness? What has been pushing you this year to reach the targets you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? Was it your parents, your boss’s perceived expectations of you, your spouse, your own ambition? And do you feel closer […]
The Seven Slowest Ways To Ruin Your Life
Ruining one’s life is not something most people consciously set out to do. Most people want to achieve success in life. There is an inner drive to excel, to achieve your potential, to have your life count for something. As you’re reading this, there are probably some thoughts and feelings stirring in your heart and […]
Finding The Fun In Your Work
We’re all tempted to press the snooze button one too many times on days we feel like we can’t face the office. Work is challenging, it can be rewarding – but it’s not going to be something that makes you feel like you’re floating on clouds all day playing the harp. (Unless you’re a harpist […]
Don’t Let Regret Eat Your Joy
As long as you are living and breathing on this planet, you are guaranteed to face regret. To regret something is to “feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).” To be ‘repentant’ means to wish that you could go back in time to […]
A Letter To The Fatherless
Father’s Day is not a joyous celebration for everyone. For many, it is a bittersweet, mostly painful reminder of what’s missing in their lives. As people scroll through all the dad love on social media, there are many silent observers reflecting on what they wish they had. If Father’s Day causes you to feel numb, […]