Give Yourself Time To Grow
I’ve recently started living on avocados. It’s part of my healthy eating plan and despite the price, I do relish a ripe avo that satiates my appetite. I just hate waiting for them to ripen. I never know what to do with a half ripe avo once I’ve cut it open. Do I put it […]
Don’t Let Doubt Steal Your Dreams
If the dawn of a new year scares you because you feel stuck in a private cycle of futility, then you could be letting self-doubt get the best of you. Doubt is tricky to pinpoint because it hides itself behind so many other internal barriers. It’s easier to blame our lack of progress on our […]
Let The Pull Of Purpose Push You Into Greatness
Have you been pulled by your sense of purpose into areas of personal greatness? What has been pushing you this year to reach the targets you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? Was it your parents, your boss’s perceived expectations of you, your spouse, your own ambition? And do you feel closer […]
Why Your Bad Habits Will Bankrupt Your Life
Habits form our character but our core beliefs form our habits. No one needs to name and shame the bad habits in your life. You are keenly aware of it. Whether the crime is indulging in time wasters like binge series watching and mindless social media surfing, to more serious choices like staying in toxic […]
Finding The Fun In Your Work
We’re all tempted to press the snooze button one too many times on days we feel like we can’t face the office. Work is challenging, it can be rewarding – but it’s not going to be something that makes you feel like you’re floating on clouds all day playing the harp. (Unless you’re a harpist […]
Don’t Let Regret Eat Your Joy
As long as you are living and breathing on this planet, you are guaranteed to face regret. To regret something is to “feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).” To be ‘repentant’ means to wish that you could go back in time to […]
Finding A Mid Year Check-In Mechanism That Works For You
Most people project their wishful thinking into a bucket of New Years Resolutions… which, if not followed by basic personal development skills, eventually falls out of the holes of could’ve, would’ve, should’ve… But if you’re reading this blog, you’re not like most people. You care about your life and your future and understand that if […]
The Secret to Personal Progress
I don’t know whether you’ve realised this yet – or whether you’re still learning this life truth: you can’t figure life out on your own. I think I’ve always known this to some degree but I didn’t always know how to seek the help I needed in healthy ways. I unfortunately developed a bad habit […]
Finding Your Voice In The Workplace
(This post is dedicated to my sister, who like me, is learning to amplify her voice in the corporate arena). We all have an intrinsic need to be heard. We want to know that our opinion matters. In the corporate space, we want our voices to be heard, we want to know that our work […]
7 Leadership Traits We Can All Learn

Leaders are not born. They are made by the choices they constantly make. Every person has the ability to learn to become a leader. We have to lead our own lives, otherwise we will be led by others. Servant leadership is a style of leadership that places the benefits of others over benefits to self. […]